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My Path To A Mindful Life:
Life Mastery Coach Education W/ Sussanne Wexø

Do you want to live a more mindful life full of self-love and self-growth?
Then my new education might also be something for you!
Read on to get a glimpse of what I’m currently working with – on the inside and outside. 

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“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”

I love this quote by the Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, who’s a true master in the field of mindfulness.
Everyday, most of us are surrounded by so much beauty, joy and happiness, but often our minds choose to complicate and minimize it.

Being a rather sensitive person, I know how it feels to be overwhelmed, not only by thoughts and worries, but by the world in general. So I decided to take on a different journey by starting a life coach education at The Life Master Academy by Sussanne Wexø in Copenhagen.

Yes, I had to take the traveling between Berlin and Copenhagen every month into consideration, but it feels like nothing compared to what I’m actually gaining.

life coach

Inspiration, support and motivation are the key words behind the Life Mastery Training workshops

For me, 2017 has been the year of self-development, and the icing on the cake is Sussanne Wexø’s 3 month course, “Life Mastery Training” followed by the actual coaching education (the foundation course is mandatory), where we’re gaining a deeper knowledge of coaching in general – not to mention actual tools, which can be applied in real life practice.
It’s a beautiful journey – for women only.

The course is build up by blended learning techniques; every week, we receive online guides, reflection assignments
and in-depth exercises, which we then have the chance to apply when we physically meet at the end of each month.

The physical workshops are 3 days each and it’s a unique process, where we get to know ourselves in-depth, but also our “co-students”. The course itself is based on various coaching techniques, NLP, mindfulness, tapping and positive psychology.

life coaching

So what does it mean to be a Life Master, which the foundation course prepares you for? In short, it’s about being in control of your own life and actively take responsibility for it. We should never be victims of our surroundings or the circumstances we’re in. We all have the power to change our situation and to live a life full of love, passion and fulfillment – if we wish. But in order to do so, we need to clear the (mental) way and understand ourselves. You’ll be surprised how few people in this world who actually understand themselves and actively pursue their dreams. Sadly enough, there’s usually some sort of mental barrier blocking us.

Becoming involved with positive psychology and mindfulness is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. It’s not always easy explaining it to people, but you don’t have to. Going into a process like this is personal and it takes time. Are you ready to take the first step? 🙂 Then read more about the course and education on www.sussannewexoe.dk.

Sussanne Wexø is a Therapist, Coach, Author and Founder of Life Master Academy in Denmark. She’s an advocate of feminine leadership and actively supports women in implementing inner peace and balance into their everyday lives and careers. 


Ps. Tak til Regtise – The Copenhagen Traveller, bosat i Berlin.

Hvis du vil lære at mestre ZEN i dit liv indenfor alle livsområder, så skal du overveje vores uddannelser under Life Mastery Academy.
Her arbejder vi med centrering, selvkærlighed, energi, coaching, mindfulness og ikke mindst vores dybtgående Mirror Process, som vil skabe transformerende vækst, succes, nærvær og mening i dit liv.


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